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Have you always dreamed of learning to surf and spending your entire vacation on the beach having fun with the waves of the sea?


Make your dreams come true with us and book your first surf lesson now! We offer classes for beginners and also for advanced surfing, kitesurfing, windsurfing and wingsurfing.


Dare with water sports alone, as a couple or with the whole family. Our local and international instructors are very friendly, professional and multilingual and will make you feel safe while having fun in a family and relaxed environment!


Surf lessons

Prices for group lessons:

2 hours: 65€

4 hours: 110€

6 hours: 150€

10 hours: 220€â€‹




Surf equipment



Groups of maximum 3 students per instructor



 Wingsurf Discovery Course

 6hrs. – 400€

During the wingsurf discovery course teaches you the very basics of winging.

We’re going to show you how to handle the wing correctly safely on the beach and after that put you in the water for your first rides on a non-foil board.

This group course is split into three 2hr. classes and in the end in the end you’re going to be well prepared for your first flights on the foil board.

Wing Foil Intro Course

4hrs. – 270€

Once you have full control of yourself, the wing and the non-foil board you’re ready for the next step.

Now our instructors are going to introduce you to the foil board and how to handle it safely.

The aim of this four hour group course is to lift the board of the water, do your first metres flying on the board and experience the incredible sensation that make wing foiling so special.

If you’re an experienced wind- or kitesurfer then you can start directly with this course and don’t have to do the Discovery course first.

Wing Discovery / Foil Combo  10hrs. – 600€

The wing discovery and foil combo course aims to teach you all the necessary skills to do your first flies on with the wing foil in only ten hours.

The group sessions , that are joined by maximum one other student, last each two hours.


Kitesurf lessons

Kitesurf Discovery Course

 6hrs. - 365€

This course is the right one for you if you don’t have any previous kitesurf experience.

In a group with maximum one other student your instructor is going to teach you the basics of kitesurfing in three 2hrs. sessions (6hrs. total).

Setting up the gear, steering the kite outside and inside the water and trying to stand up and getting out of the water for the first time  are the core element of this type of course.

Kitesurf Progression Course

 6hrs. – 365€

Once you had your first few lessons and tried a couple of waterstarts, you’re ready for the progression course.

By then end of this six hours course you’re ideally managing the waterstart well, doing your first transitions and riding back and forth coming back to the point you started at.

You’re joined by maximum one other student in this group course, that is split into three 2hr. sessions

Kitesurf Discovery Pogression Combo / 12hrs. – 685€

If you seriously set your mind on learning how to kitesurf then the combination of the Discovery and the Progression course is the right one for you.

You’re going to be teamed up with maximum one other student for the combo course, that is going to teach you all the basic knowledge to ride safely and comfortably in both directions.

This course is split into six 2hr. sessions.


Windsurf lessons

Windsurf Beginner Discovery  6hrs. – 190€

If you don’t have any previous windsurf experience then this is the right training for you.

This group course is split into 3x 2hrs = 6hrs. in total.

During the course you’re going to get a first introduction into windsurfing and by the end you should be able to do your first rides and turns in both directions.

Windsurf Beginner Full Course 10hrs. – 265€

The ten hours group course teaches you all the basics of windsurfing.

Once you completed all the five sessions you’ll have learned how to ride comfortably back and forth on a windsurf dagger board.

Windsurf Progression Course / 6hrs. – 190€

If you have finished your first full beginner course and still want to continue learning or if you did some windsurfing before but didn’t reach the intermediate level quite yet, yet, then the progression course is your best choice.

During this group course, that is split into sessions of 3x 2hrs., we’re going to freshen up your existing skills, work on speeding up your turns and riding and show you some tricks to ride more smoothly.

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Sal Island Nature Excursions

Santa Maria, Sal Island - Cape Verde




Tel: +238 933-80-96

WhatsApp: +34 665-15-28-94

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